Monday, December 29, 2008

Sweet to the taste ...

And, a look at another slice of life:
Meleğin yanına gigip küçük tomarı bana vermesini istedim. Bana, "Al, bunu ye!" dedi. "Midende bir acılık yapacak, ama ağızında bal gibi tatlı olacak."
Today's words:
  • melek -- angel
  • miden -- stomach
  • bal -- honey
Ezekiel, too, was handed a scroll and told to eat it. The New Testament keeps telling us things that the Old Testament failed to mention. Ezekiel reported how God's Word was "as sweet as honey." John tells us "the rest of the story." After the intial exhileration, the new things we learn, the fresh insights on life, can make life harder for us.

"You're going to have a hard life," a doting father warned his love-smitten daughter. "Yes," her blessed husband admitted a decade or two later. "But it's also been a very good life!"

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