Monday, August 31, 2009

Table manners (I Cor. 11)

Modern businessmen hold meetings. Ancient potentates had feasts. By sitting at the King's table, putting on the King's robes, and eating the King's food, the guests were symbolically incorporated into, and became extensions of, the King's body. These guests then went forth to represent His reign throughout the realm.

Manners are matters of life and death at high-stake dinners. In the Byzantine court, if a servant dropped a dish, he'd be executed for breaking the mood, spoiling the decorum. Now, imagine the shocking impropriety of profaning the Heavenly King's gracious feast.
1Co 11:20 Toplandığınızda Rab'bin Sofrası'na katılmak için toplanmıyorsunuz.
1Co 11:21 Her biriniz ötekini beklemeden kendi yemeğini yiyor. Kimi aç kalıyor, kimi sarhoş oluyor.
1Co 11:22 Yiyip içmek için evleriniz yok mu? Tanrı'nın topluluğunu hor mu görüyorsunuz, yiyeceği olmayanları utandırmak mı istiyorsunuz? Size ne diyeyim? Sizi öveyim mi? Bu konuda övemem!
Let's look at a few words:
  • Yiyip -- To eat. Turkish can load a great deal of information into a single verb. Well, just to make life easier if you have several verbs in the same sentence, you only need to give the full treatment to one of them. Just tack a -ip onto the stem of the other verbs, to indicate that it represents the same person, tense, number, mood, etc.
  • içmek -- To drink.
  • için -- In order to.
  • evleriniz -- your houses
  • yok mu? -- are there not?

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