Friday, September 17, 2010

Acts 18 -- "May God bless and keep the Czar ... "

Even a powerhouse like Paul got discouraged from time to time. That may explain why God provided him with an encouraging vision: [1]
Act 18:9 Bir gece Rab bir görümde Pavlus'a, "Korkma" dedi, "Konuş, susma!
Act 18:10 Ben seninle birlikteyim; hiç kimse sana dokunmayacak, kötülük yapmayacak. Çünkü bu kentte benim halkım çoktur."
Act 18:11 Pavlus, orada bir buçuk yıl kaldı ve halka sürekli Tanrı'nın sözünü öğretti.
Let's unpack a few words here:
  • Bir gece -- one night (bir = one)
  • Rab -- The Lord (Turkish does not have a definite article, like that single hardest word to use in idiomatic English -- the)
  • bir görümde -- in a vision (bir also = a)
  • Pavlus'a -- to Paul
  • "Korkma" dedi, -- "Do no be afraid,[2] He said,
  • "Konuş, susma! -- "Speak, do not be silent!
  • Ben seninle birlikteyim; -- I / with you / I am united.
  • hiç kimse sana dokunmayacak, -- None / no one / to you / will touch you,
  • kötülük yapmayacak-- harm will do
  • Çünkü bu kentte -- Because / this / city in
  • benim halkım çoktur." -- My / my people / there are many."
This divine promise was fulfilled a year and a half (bir buçuk yıl) later, when Jewish rabble-rousers showed up again, as usual, to make trouble for the Christians. This time, they made the mistake of trying to get the government to do their dirty work for them, rather than just relying upon their own hired thugs:
Act 18:12 Gallio'nun Ahaya Valisi olduğu sıralarda, hep birlikte Pavlus'a karşı gelen Yahudiler onu mahkemeye çıkardılar.
Act 18:13 "Bu adam Yasa'ya aykırı biçimde Tanrı'ya tapınmaları için insanları kandırıyor" dediler.
Act 18:14 Pavlus tam söze başlayacakken Gallio Yahudiler'e şöyle dedi: "Ey Yahudiler, davanız bir haksızlık ya da ciddi bir suçla ilgili olsaydı, sizleri sabırla dinlemem gerekirdi.
Act 18:15 Ama sorun bir öğreti, bazı adlar ve kendi yasanızla ilgili olduğuna göre, bu davaya kendiniz bakın. Ben böyle şeylere yargıçlık etmek istemem."
And Gallio had sense enough to wash his hands of the whole controversy: Ben böyle şeylere yargıçlık etmek istemem. -- I / this / things about / judge / to be / I do not want.

Best-case scenario! I'm reminded of the exchange in the musical Fiddler on a Roof. When asked if there was a blessing for the Czar the village rabbi said there was. And what was it?

"May God bless and keep the Czar -- far away from us!"

In the West, nations with state churches have nations with weak, ineffectual churches, churches that lack influence and credibility and members. The American solution -- make the churches rely upon their own resources -- has generated a profoundly religious society[3].

[1] Frequently, when a Muslim takes another look at Jesus, it is because of a vivid dream or vision.

[2] Korkma -- do not be afraid -- is the most frequent command in the New Testament, I believe. In a world filled with things to fear, we serve a God who is bigger than our fears.

[3] Don't believe what Hollywood tells you -- most Americans do indeed respect God and love their families. The media magnates who generate popular culture -- many of whom have Jewish roots -- try to conceal this reality from their viewers.

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