Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luke 17 (a) -- a panaramic view

Numbered chapters and verses let us zoom in on small chunks of text, and share our insights with one another, using an agreed-upon navigation convention. Yet this coordinate system is not a part of the original text. Sometimes, we need to examine messages that spill over the boundaries of verses and chapters.

As Jesus is going towards an untidy destiny in Jerusalem, the antagonism between him and The Establishment[1] intensifies. The Pharisees nag and natter at Jesus. Jesus pushes back. In Luke 15, they find fault with his followers. He speaks of the value, in God's sight, of the lost lamb, the lost coin, the lost lad. Keep reading, folks.

In Luke 16, Jesus takes the battle to the enemy, comparing the Establishment leaders to a crooked steward who is running out of time, and puts its trust in short-term fixes. The polemic continues. They are like a rich buy with a beggar at the gate, who can expect to see their world in flames, their social order reversed. They lost their bearings because they lost their respect for "Moses and the prophets" (the Word of God). In that terrifying little story, God's spokesman Abraham says that those who disregard God's Word will not be convinced, even if a Lazarus rises from the dead.[2]

Let's keep reading. The Pharisees are an offense to God and man. We all needs to walk more carefully.
Luk 17:1 İsa öğrencilerine şöyle dedi: "İnsanı günaha düşüren tuzakların olması kaçınılmazdır. Ama bu tuzaklara aracılık eden kişinin vay haline!
Luk 17:2 Böyle bir kişi bu küçüklerden birini günaha düşüreceğine, boynuna bir değirmen taşı geçirilip denize atılsa, kendisi için daha iyi olur.
Luk 17:3 Yaşantınıza dikkat edin! Kardeşiniz günah işlerse, onu azarlayın; tövbe ederse, bağışlayın.
Luk 17:4 Günde yedi kez size karşı günah işler ve yedi kez size gelip, 'Tövbe ediyorum' derse, onu bağışlayın."
Luk 17:5 Elçiler Rab'be, "İmanımızı artır!" dediler.
Let's extract one admonition for translation, here.
  • Yaşantınıza -- about your way of life. Yaşantı (experience. life style. way of living. life.) + -ınız- (your) + -a (direct object)
  • dikkat -- careful
  • edin! -- be!
May our God increase our faith, so we can get along with one another, despite living in a world filled with excuses for taking offense!


[1] The Establishment was the contemptuous hippy label assigned to the pillars of the social order, the people in charge. Historically, the "established church" was the sect of Christianity embraced and funded by the political leaders of a nation. Antidisestablishmentarianism is the conviction that such entities are necessary for the health of a society, and much not be disestablished.

[2] Shortly after Jesus gave this parable, a man named Lazarus rose from the dead -- see John 12. The leaders of Israel were not impressed. In fact, they discussed putting Lazarus to death again.

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