Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Migrating mountains! (Mat. 17)

After taking Peter, James, and John along for a brief mountain-top hobnob with Moses and Elijah, Jesus rejoined the rest of the disciples. While the Big Cat was away, the mice did play. A case of demonic possession showed up that followed the Linda Blair script more closely. And for some reason, these seasoned evangelists who'd cast out demons with a word during their preaching tour, were in over their heads. Jesus interrogated the lad's father, and cast out the devil.

Why had the first team failed?
Sonra öğrenciler tek başlarına İsa'ya gelip, "Biz cini neden kovamadık?" diye sordular. İsa, "İmanınız kıt oldoğu için," karşılığını verdi. "Size doğrususunu söyleyeyim, bir hardal tanesi kadar imanınız olsa şu dağa, 'Buradan şuroya göç! derseniz, göçer. Sizi için imkansız bir şey kalmez."
And, a few words:
  • imanınız -- your faith.
  • kıt -- scarcity. Famine.
  • hardal tane -- mustard seed
  • dağ -- mountain
  • göç -- to migrate, to move off
Well, I can read the newspapers and see all the hysteria over major corporations tossing folks overboard. Or, I can pray in faith, and share with the world the amazing things that God can do.

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