Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Partitions (Mark 14)

The book A Man Called Intrepid tells the sad story of a female agent who parachuted into occupied France with a code book and a radio. Of course, she was soon captured and died miserably in a prison camp. What the book does not tell you is -- the entire espionage network was compromised. The Germans captured each agent soon after he or she landed, and used that agent to feed poisoned information to the Allied listeners. And the Allied listeners bought it. Even though the agents dutifully misspelled every tenth word or so, in the prearranged alert signal. And, of course, each agent sent the instructions as to where the next agent was to land.

The Germans kept the scam going for months, feeding just enough genuine intelligence back to the listeners to keep them listening. When the game was up, they broadcast a clear (uncoded) message over all channels, thanking the Allies for the pleasure of working with them, and regretting that the delightful partnership had now come to an end.

In a hostile environment, who do you trust? Who needs to know what? How can you minimize risks to yourself, and to those working with you? Suppose you already know that you have a turncoat in your circle of closest associates? How can you find a safe place to meet for a final briefing?
Mar 14:13 O da öğrencilerinden ikisini şu sözlerle önden gönderdi: "Kente gidin, orada su testisi taşıyan bir adam çıkacak karşınıza. Onu izleyin.
Mar 14:14 Adamın gideceği evin sahibine şöyle deyin: 'Öğretmen, öğrencilerimle birlikte Fısıh yemeğini yiyeceğim konuk odası nerede? diye soruyor.'
Mar 14:15 Ev sahibi size üst katta döşenmiş, hazır büyük bir oda gösterecek. Orada bizim için hazırlık yapın."
Mar 14:16 Öğrenciler yola çıkıp kente gittiler. Her şeyi, İsa'nın kendilerine söylediği gibi buldular ve Fısıh yemeği için hazırlık yaptılar.
Mar 14:17 Akşam olunca İsa Onikiler'le* birlikte geldi.
Mar 14:18 Sofraya oturmuş yemek yerlerken İsa, "Size doğrusunu söyleyeyim" dedi, "Sizden biri, benimle yemek yiyen biri bana ihanet edecek."
Note the sequence. Jesus first, apparently, had a private conversation with a wealthy friend. We know that a number of people followed Jesus "secretly, for fear of the Jews." Nicodemus snuck in to talk with Jesus at night, for example, as reported in John 3. Joseph of Arimathea appeared from out of nowhere to care of our Lord's body after His death, providing a brand new tomb near the place of execution. This secret friend agreed to discretely cater a passover meal in a secure location, on an upper floor. They agreed on a recognition signal that would enable the next step.

As evening drew close, the disciples were still in the dark. This was an important ceremonial meal, but Jesus had not yet told them where or how they would have it. Now, Jesus picked out two (Peter was probably one of them, since so much of Mark's Gospel is seen through his eyes), and told them to look for a man carrying a water jug. Follow him.

After they were safely indoors, use a recognition phrase. "The Master says, ..."

Then return and bring the rest of the party to the designated place, where they would find all things ready.

Since Jesus Himself did not know ahead of time where the event would take place, His enemies had no way to find out, and his wealthy friend was protected.
Finally, Jesus alerted the group to His impending betrayal. Suddenly, each watched all the others, and the traitor could not find a quiet way to slip away, until the moment when Jesus specifically sent him out.

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