Thursday, April 16, 2009

Imaginary emperor? (Luke 23)

For nearly 21 years, America had a Jewish emperor, Norton I. From 1859 to 1880, Joshua Abraham Norton patrolled the streets of San Francisco, inspecting the conditions of civic works, issuing regal proclamations, and dining at the finest restaurants. In those kinder and gentler days, the entire city played along with the lunatic's fantasy. Upon his death, 30,000 mourners came to his funeral.

Pontius Pilate was a mediocre politician whose clumsy brutality earned Caesar's reprimands. He governed a subjugated province with a contempt which his subjects returned. Then, in the wee hours of the morning, the pompous local bigwigs and a rag-tag mob showed up at his door, demanding action. Let's take a look at what happened next:
Luk 23:3 Pilatus İsa'ya, "Sen Yahudiler'in Kralı mısın?" diye sordu. İsa, "Söylediğin gibidir" yanıtını verdi.
Luk 23:4 Pilatus, başkâhinlerle halka, "Bu adamda hiçbir suç görmüyorum" dedi.
Pilate says to Jesus "You / of the Jews/ the King / are?" "As you say, it is," Jesus replies. Pilate then tells the chief priests, "This / man in / none, not a single, not one / guilty thing / am I seeing." Just another Jewish lunatic, out of an entire crazy nation.

How little did this bored Roman bureaucrat knew. Nearly 2,000 years later, his name is recited millions of times every day, around the world, whenever the followers of the still-living Jesus recite the creed that defines their faith: "He suffered under Pontius Pilate."

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