Thursday, February 26, 2009

Informal Allies (Mark 9)

As we have seen frequently already, the Israel of our Lord's day was a demon-haunted culture. We may never know all the reasons why this was the case. Perhaps, the political leaders were too busy sucking up to the Roman occupying powers. Perhaps, the religious leaders were too busy celebrating themselves to notice, or care about, what was happening among their people. In any case, exorcisms occupied a large space in the ministry of Jesus. And we know from Acts 19:13-16 that some of the Jewish religious professionals profited from this situation.

Yet, the use of the name of Jesus by Jewish exorcists happened during the lifetime and ministry of the Lord.
Mar 9:38 Yuhanna O'na, "Öğretmenim" dedi, "Senin adınla cin kovan birini gördük, ama bizi izleyenlerden olmadığı için ona engel olmaya çalıştık."
Mar 9:39 "Ona engel olmayın!" dedi İsa. "Çünkü benim adımla mucize yapıp da ardından beni kötüleyecek kimse yoktur.
Mar 9:40 Bize karşı olmayan, bizden yanadır.
Mar 9:41 Size doğrusunu söyleyeyim, Mesih'e ait olduğunuz için sizlere bir bardak su veren ödülsüz kalmayacaktır."
And, a few words:
  • Öğretmenim -- My teacher. A title school kids in Turkey still us when addressing their teachers.
  • Senin adınla cin kovan birini gördük -- Your / name with / demon / expelling / one / we saw ...
Bottom line? Be thankful for allies! Even those who may not be formally associated with your team. God Himself can and will sort out the sincere from the charlatans.

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