Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Matt. 19 -- a man and a woman

Thingamatropic walking sticks begin as young sassafras saplings, entwined by a vine. Over the years, as the two plants grow up together, each alters the shape of the other. In God's economy, marriage also result in two dissimilar beings growing together, and bending each other into a new shape. Having one other person so close, so inside your perimeter, your comfort zone, makes you a different person. You have someone else to think about as you make your decisions. Someone else to help you think. A guy I knew, who struggles with Aspergers syndrome symptoms, prayed desperately for years for wisdom in the area of human relations. He came to see that his prayers had been answered, in the form of an incredibly insightful wife. Even as a blind man can get around with the help of a guide dog, this guy learned to see situations through his wife's eyes, thereby avoiding uncountable faux pas. He described the relationship as a dual-processor computer, with a 128-bit bus connecting the processors. As long as the bus is maintained, each processor can benefit from the data the other processes.

Let's look at the way Jesus describes the ideal situation:
Mat 19:3 İsa'nın yanına gelen bazı Ferisiler*, O'nu denemek amacıyla şunu sordular: "Bir adamın, herhangi bir nedenle karısını boşaması Kutsal Yasa'ya uygun mudur?"
Mat 19:4,5 İsa şu karşılığı verdi: "Kutsal Yazılar'ı okumadınız mı? Yaradan başlangıçtan 'İnsanları erkek ve dişi olarak yarattı' ve şöyle dedi: 'Bu nedenle adam annesini babasını bırakıp karısına bağlanacak, ikisi tek beden olacak.'
Mat 19:6 Şöyle ki, onlar artık iki değil, tek bedendir. O halde Tanrı'nın birleştirdiğini, insan ayırmasın."
C. S. Lewis discussed the differences between the Catholic and Protestant positions on divorce by starting with what the two faiths agree on: divorce is radical surgery, like a double amputation. The only disagreement is over whether or not the patient survives the operation.

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