Monday, March 7, 2011

Tadın da görün (Psalm 32)

A ship in the harbor is safe, the old aphorism asserts, but that is not what ships are made for. A certain amount of trouble is normal in a fallen world. And, for the believer, so, too, is mercy from heaven. According to very old notes that have attached themselves to Psalm 32, David wrote it after one of his many narrow escapes. Let's look at a few verses that are especially relevant to people in trouble, such as economic straits:
Psa 34:8 Tadın da görün, RAB ne iyidir, Ne mutlu O'na sığınan adama!
Psa 34:9 RAB'den korkun, ey O'nun kutsalları, Çünkü O'ndan korkanın eksiği olmaz.
Psa 34:10 Genç aslanlar bile aç ve muhtaç olur; Ama RAB'be yönelenlerden hiçbir iyilik esirgenmez.
Let's look at a few words:
  • Tadın da görün -- second person imperative form of the verbs tatmak (to taste) and görmek (to see)
  • RAB ne iyidir -- The Lord, how good He is
  • Genç aslanlar bile -- Young lions, even, (C S Lewis fans recognize the singular form of the noun)
  • -- hungry. covetous. empty. unfed. esurient. greedy for. hollow. ravenous. starveling.
  • muhtaç -- needy. in need. dependent. beggarly. destitute. indigent. necessitous. straitened. straitened for. hard up. have a weak chest.
  • yönelenlerden --
  • hiçbir iyilik -- not one / good thing
  • esirgenmez -- will not be stinted, denied, refused
As David wrote elsewhere, RAB çobanımdır, Eksiğim olmaz. The Lord / my shepherd is / lack there is not. The two states are incompatible. My hope is that all who read these words of wit will rejoice in the Shepherd, and not accept poverty as normal.

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